Join Ajay Aggarwal in weekly conversations with the global leaders of the Retail, Technology and Consumer industry.

Looking Back To Move Forward: 2023 and Beyond

Bijou Kurien, Himanshu Chakravarty and John Scott

2023 was the first full recovery year for the retail industry after disruptions due to the pandemic.

In this year-end episode of Leaders & Innovators, we thought let’s invite a few leaders from different sections of the industry and discuss with them the overall status of how things have recovered, what has changed permanently, and what remains to be addressed! Also, what do they think 2024 has in store globally for the industry?

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Ajay Aggarwal

Managing Partner,

Join Ajay Aggarwal, a global retail professional in weekly conversations with the global leaders of the Retail, Technology and Consumer industry sharing their journey of making an impactful contribution to the industry. Inspirations & lessons from their stories and experiences to empower a new generation of professionals and entrepreneurs. 

Ajay has spent over 48 years in the retail and technology industries as a leader, entrepreneur, evangelist, mentor and advisor! 

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